If you love something... pm

The Rabbit Hole am

Crucify pm

Who the hell are you? pm

99 problems pm

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Fuck the critics
09.19.02 12:26 am

Since it came out on August 29, I have listening to the same CD incessantly, I have in my car, at my house, on my computer. It is quite possibly one of the best collections of music I have ever heard in my life! I was so excited about this CD. I think it is the best music that this particular artist has made. So when I opened my Rolling Stone and saw that they had given it 2 out of 5 stars, I was dumbfounded. I actually read the review twice, thinking I had possibly read the wrong review, or that the review was actually mistitled and was for a different album. This critic could not have possibly been talking about the same album I had been listening to....

Ever since I read that quote by Pelle I find music editorial completely ludicrous. (Yes I had to look that word up at dictionary.com thanks to the other Ludacris.)

I didn't really intend for that to happen when I posted the entry, I merely found his take on the subject, thought-provoking. It's amusing what people's opinions are about what music should and should not be.