If you love something... pm

The Rabbit Hole am

Crucify pm

Who the hell are you? pm

99 problems pm

<<< :: >>>

On and on
2001-05-31 4:44 a.m.

It's like I have a tortured soul. I don't know if contentment is something you learn, or something some people are just blessed with.

Maybe nobody is content. Maybe people just have more realistic aspirations.

Does everyone have outrageous dreams, but everyone else is just more mature and understands that they will probably not acheive them, so they don't even bother trying?

Somebody said, and of course I forget who, that 90% percent of everything is crap. That's probably true. Maybe 90% of what I am saying is crap.

To me if you put your heart and soul into something and even if nobody likes it, or understands it, or can relate it, it's not crap.

I am 21 years old. What am I going to do with my life? Maybe it's good that I'm at least asking these questions. Maybe it's pointless.

Who knows.

"I don't have all the answers tonight, sir. I just want to hang with your daughter." Or something like that.