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Campaign Finance Reform
2001-05-26 1:55 a.m.

I absolutely hate political commericals. They give me ulcers. Especially those that are against my candidate of choice. They yell at me, "Your candidate of choice is a demon who will destroy the earth, whereas our candidate is an angel sent from heaven who will turn the earth into a beautiful utopia where everyone will live in harmony and love one another.

This is what I think: All campaign promotion should be outlawed. I think all persons who would like to run for president should have to fulfill certain requirements, or some way to weed out non-serious applicants. Then they should each fill out a packet, a series of questions about themselves and their platform. Each candidates' packet will be reproduced at the candidates/candiate's parties expense and will be distributed to every person in the U.S. These packets could also be availble at libraries/post offices, etc. Each candidate's packet would be aesthetically the same, but would have unique answers to each question. There would also be a series of televised debates, which would include ALL serious candidates. Not just major parties. Additionally, everyone should be required to vote. Everyone has to fill out the census, don't they? What's more important? Every candidate will have a fair chance because each candidates views have been equally distributed. On election day, everyone would go fill out a STANDARDIZED ballot which is the same throughout the entire country and can be understood by everyone, not just the morons for each political party who invent and approve of these ballots.

Now I realize this theory violates like the entire constitution but it would really make my election year a lot more liveable.